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Key Feature
Social UGC

Shoppable Instagram

Convert your social traffic into buying traffic by directing engaged Instagram followers onto your ecommerce channels.
Computer screens with website showing a photo gallery
Turn your feed into a shoppable Instagram storefront via link in bio. Lead high-intent brand fans right where they need to go increase site traffic and conversions.
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Pixlee TurnTo platform screenshot of Instagram photo collection

Generate ROI from Instagram

Generate sales from Instagram traffic that directly affect your bottom line. Track granular analytics - from click all the way through conversion - on a single dashboard. Export detailed reports for easy sharing within your organization.

Maximize Your Most Effective Content Pieces

Gain a deep understanding of what content most resonates with your following, both in terms of engagement and eventual sales. Seamlessly tag the most effective pieces and repurpose them across your digital channels.

Pixlee TurnTo platform screenshot of searching through UGC by caption text
Pixlee TurnTo platform listing SKUs and tagging those products in Instagram posts

Act on Merchandising Insights

Take advantage of high impression volumes to quickly determine audience demand for specific products. Produce more of what people are excited to see and purchase. Consciously feature slow-moving products to get rid of idle stock.

Gallery of brand photos from Instagram and a customer review
Pixlee TurnTo platform showing value of earned media in dollar amounts

Ready to see what
Pixlee TurnTo can do for you?